Tuesday 3 April 2012

And The Massive Update.....Death Whispers FTW...

First things first, their is the Carnage update below (easy way will be to click on the link on the right side) =>

So as i have said, Death Whispers have been the main focus in preparation for Carnage so without further a due a image montage and brief explanation of the kit each squad has.....

Space Marine Dreadnought (Furisio Kit)
I have modelled this kit with the plasma cannon/heavy flamer - but have made the extra arms to treat it as a furisio or a Libby Dread (possible count as Daemon Prince)

The other parts of the model aren't finished yet...but will be added as soon as they are done.

Next up: Fenrisian Wolves
Simple and Effective: White Undercoat, Sepia Wash, Mud Wash, Black Wash....still needs some tidying but dont plan to use them that often at all

Long Fangs Pack:
In a firm belief that cheaper is better and a minimising purpose the Long Fangs are here....3 Missile Launchers and 2 Heavy Bolters with a Squad Leader for Splitting Fire....

Armored Transports:
So to Carnage I took 2 Razorbacks and a Rhino. I did paint up the extra tops for my Razorbacks however to allow them to be used as Rhinos. Really enjoyed doing the skull inlays (from a company called: Chapter MadHouse Studios)

And Now The Inquisition Is On Its Way....

For my Inquisiton wing of Death Whispers I wanted to add a load of Inquistorial Henchman in various states...as I can ensure that i can use some Power Armor dudes as well as guardsman/scout models. In my mass building state yesterday I built about 800-900pts for this army....


Without the plasma cutter and twin linked flamer as I wanted to be able to use these to convert up more guardsman as combat servitors/gun servitors...although some are in various stages of their development.
Plasma Cannon Gun Servitors:
So Coteaz has an awesome out of shooting ability and to make the most of this I am going Plasma mad...as most models that are gona deep strike by me are going to have an amazing save...so lets ignore it.

They were made using the Heavy Bolter Finecast Servitor bodies, Heavy Bolter backpacks and then Green Stuffing a Plasma Cannon (from the Space Marine Devies kit without its cable) to make it look kool and WYSIWUG.

Combat Servitors:
Every good Inquisitor needs some Combat Servitors to train on. So from the kit i used the 2 standard servitor bodies and added guardsman armys, then used some normal guardsman with servitor arms...bit of a hit and miss idea, but wanted to sort of show a development and various stages of a combat servitor.

Grey Knight Justicars:
These were awesome to make, they used Death Company legs and bodies, Sanguinary Guard Heads and Shoulder Pads, GK Weapons (obviously will be converted to the scythes):

Grey Knights Heavy Weapons:
I like the idea of having stolen some GK weapons, so I got Joe to make up the full range of weapons that are in the GK boxed set...giving me 4 new weapon sets (2 x Psy, 1 x Inc, 1 x Psylience)....

Inquisitorial Henchman Squads:
I then proceeded to use my two squads of Veterans that I had not painted for my guard army chopping off a load of arms to make some flamer dudes....Only showing one of the squads as the other is exactly the same

Interceptor Squad:
Ok so first issue, there is only 4 models...thats because i don't have any more halberds or Thunder Hammers to be able to readily convert...To make them more combaty I went with the dual weild falchions. What you will notice however is that to make the squad a bit more individual I used my spare Sanguinary Guard/Death Company Angelus Pattern Bolters in place of the Storm Bolters....

So massive update....I would of built more but i have YET AGAIN run out of Silver Skull Shoulder Pads...bringing the total bought and used so far to (Drum Roll Please)....(logs in to Games Workshop to check orders)...90.

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